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Ever imagined yourself locked in a courtroom battle of wits with a clients future at stake? Well Witness Examination might just be for you!

Senior Witness Examination

Simulating a criminal trial, Witness Examination (or WitEx to old hands) sees you prepare either a criminal defence or prosecution and present your case before a judge! Master the skills of Examination-in-Chief, Cross-Examination, Criminal Procedure, and of course Objections, in a friendly yet competitive setting.

Open to all Murdoch Student Law Society Members, Senior Witness Examination is a great way to further develop your skills, liaise with top-tier firms, meet other students and have a tonne of fun along the way! 

The champion of the competition may be invited to compete at the National Winter ALSA Conference with all travel and accommodation paid for by the MSLS and the sponsoring firm.


  • Two general rounds over two weeks.

  • Knockout finals and grand final


Scheduled to run over an eight week period in Semester 2.

Please forward any questions to the Competitions Team at comps.team@msls.asn.au