Comps Negs.JPG


Lock yourself in an ambitious rivalry with your competitors as you work to get the fairest possible deal for your client. Working in teams of two, you will need to work out what matters, what does not, barter, trade, convince and use all your cunning to win this competition.

Be sure to keep count of the extraordinary sums of cash changing hands, but keep a closer eye on the small intricacies of what’s being exchanged; some things are more important than they seem.

The champion of the competition may be invited to compete at the National Winter ALSA Conference with all travel and accommodation paid for by the MSLS and the sponsoring firm.


  • Two general rounds over two weeks.

  • Knockout finals and grand final

  • 2 hours prep time


Scheduled to run over an eight week period in Semester 1.

Please forward any questions to the Competitions Team at